Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break Inspiration

Last week was spring break and it was so nice to be able to relax and unwind from the craziness of the semester. Although being away from school was nice, design seems to follow me everywhere I go. Throughout the week I went several different place just running errands, ect. I found myself looking at the furnishings in waiting rooms, art work in the hair salon and fabric samples during an appointment for my wedding. I now relate everything I see to design and how I would have done something differently or something that caught my eye and gave me a new idea. Also the excitement of spring in the air and flowers starting to bloom always is an inspiration for fresh designs and colors. I am addicted to all things HGTV and spent a lot of my break watching home improvement, design shows. I always get fun new ideas from that channel. Love it!! Look all around and you yourself may feel inspired. Happy Spring!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Proximity Hotel

Last week our Intro to Interior Design class took a field trip to the Proximity Hotel in Greensboro, NC. This is the first "green" or eco-friendly  hotel in the country and has a LEED Platinum rating. LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. This hotel is modern and every detail has been thought of down to the conservation of water in every faucet in the building. If you were a person who is not familiar with being eco friendly or how to be eco friendly and you walked into the Proximity you would never know that they were being so environmentally conscious. This is hotel is gorgeous and you would never feel as though they were conserving energy all around you.
Some facts about this hotel are:
  •  they have 100 solar panels on the roof which heats about 60% of the hotel and restaurants water
  • They have large amounts of natural light in each room allowing for more use of natural light and less artificial light. 
  • Each guest room as an operable window which allows guest to have fresh air. 
The Printworks Bistro is the restaurant on site and they utilize fresh local foods and wines. We had lunch there and it was a wonderful experience. The food was excellent and the atmosphere unlike any other. The style and details of this hotel are like any other 4 star hotel around the world, the Proximity is just utilizing all the tools and resources to make this a healthier and more eco friendly building for our enviornment. I highly recommend you take a visit!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Gazebo drawing done in AutoCad

I created this Gazebo drawing in my AutoCad class. In this class we are learning how to draft on the computer. In my opinion it is easier than drafting by hand and quicker! I enjoy this class a lot. The above drawing is one we did in class a few weeks ago. It looks tricky but believe me it was so much easier on the computer than when we did it by hand last semester. AutoCad has all the tools necessary to create drawings like this. There is an arc command that allows you to create arcs in which the roof is created in this drawing. It also allows you to put measurements in for lines and shapes such as squares and rectangles. You can also put in the radius of circles. To me this is so much easier than doing all those things by hand. I know computers aren't perfect but it makes life a lot easier!