Monday, February 28, 2011

Where does my inspiration come from??

Sometimes inspiration is hard to find and I feel as though I'm stuck and don't know where to start. I find myself looking in magazines for those little things that spark my interest. I look for specific colors or pieces that I want to use in my design, and feel that sometimes looking for just 1 specific item can open a whole world of inspiration. One color, piece of furniture or style can be the one thing that inspires me to begin a design or help me to come up with more ideas for a design that has already been started but I may be stuck on. I also find inspiration through my friends, I can bounce ideas off of them and listen to the feedback they may have. Everyone may have different ways of finding inspiration and mine is certainly not always the same. Every day I feel like I am inspired in new ways just by learning and growing in my knowledge of design!

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