Monday, March 7, 2011

Gazebo drawing done in AutoCad

I created this Gazebo drawing in my AutoCad class. In this class we are learning how to draft on the computer. In my opinion it is easier than drafting by hand and quicker! I enjoy this class a lot. The above drawing is one we did in class a few weeks ago. It looks tricky but believe me it was so much easier on the computer than when we did it by hand last semester. AutoCad has all the tools necessary to create drawings like this. There is an arc command that allows you to create arcs in which the roof is created in this drawing. It also allows you to put measurements in for lines and shapes such as squares and rectangles. You can also put in the radius of circles. To me this is so much easier than doing all those things by hand. I know computers aren't perfect but it makes life a lot easier!

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