Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break Inspiration

Last week was spring break and it was so nice to be able to relax and unwind from the craziness of the semester. Although being away from school was nice, design seems to follow me everywhere I go. Throughout the week I went several different place just running errands, ect. I found myself looking at the furnishings in waiting rooms, art work in the hair salon and fabric samples during an appointment for my wedding. I now relate everything I see to design and how I would have done something differently or something that caught my eye and gave me a new idea. Also the excitement of spring in the air and flowers starting to bloom always is an inspiration for fresh designs and colors. I am addicted to all things HGTV and spent a lot of my break watching home improvement, design shows. I always get fun new ideas from that channel. Love it!! Look all around and you yourself may feel inspired. Happy Spring!

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