Monday, April 4, 2011

How Can You Use Design?

Design can be used in many different ways. You don't have to be a designer to utilize design in everyday life. For example, I am planning my wedding for this summer. If any of you have ever planned a wedding or big party you know that a lot of planning and organization go into making the day come together. I have used color schemes, pattern, texture and even space planning during my wedding planning process. I have had to assess the space where my ceremony and reception will take place and figure out an appropriate arrangement for seating and food prep areas, ect. Color is a huge one. I have had to incorporate my color scheme from the linens to the invitations. Design is alive in wedding planning.

If you ever have a home improvement project to do at your house you will be creating some kind of design. You will probably go to lowes or home depot and stand in front of all the pain samples and pick something you like. Then you will take that paint sample and match it to bedding, towels, curtains, pillows anything else that you want to incorporate in the space.

You don't have to be an interior designer to use design. People do it everyday and may not even notice. 

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